I was talking to Chirstian about the bus I take into town everyday, to go to my lectures and workshops. He said "why don't you blog about it?" Well, Christian, writing about the bus I take everyday, which I had to pay £1.95 on when I first came to Sheffield, then £2.20, because the prize just stupidly rised for no particular reason, then dropped to £2 and then decided to let students pay 60p, is not very interesting. Also the fact that the bus used to be a normal sized bus (on one floor), and when I came back to Sheffield after summer they had swapped most of them with double deckers from Leeds. How do I know? It says Leeds on the side of the bus, that is how. We are in Sheffield, not Leeds. Hard to mix the two up. Lately the buses have been very late (often almost 30 minutes late), and they are supposed to go every 10 minutes. This is extremly frustrating when you have to get to your lectures ON TIME! The most annoying part about this is when the bus eventually do arrive...THREE come at once! I need one bus, not three.

Anyway, this has made it difficult for me to trust the buses. Everytime I go to pay for my bus ticket, I keep an extra £1.40 in my other hand, just in case the bus driver is stupid and tells me I have to pay full prize. Don't trust them. This has also led me to leave the house a lot earlier then I normally would, just so I am sure I will get there on time. This, of course, leads to a lot of unnecessary waiting, because everyone knows that if you are very early, everything runs smoothly and you end up with 30 minutes to waste before a lecture. If you are on time, everything will fall apart and you will be late. #Fact

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