


I don't think I am capable of relaxing. Like... really relaxing. I have been having some trouble with my neck, back and head, and lately it has been really bad. I thought maybe a bath would do me good. It is warm and nice, and it is supposed to be calming? I think? Well, I thought it would be nice to sleep a little bit while being in there...  But then I kind of freaked out, starting to think that I would drown and stuff. Then I got too warm and uncomfortable. Haha, so even in the bath, I couldn't relax.

I'm going to get it checked on Thursday, so until then, you have to keep up with my complaining.
Don't leave me now
Leave me out in the pouring rain
With my back against the wall
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Leave me out with nowhere to go
As the shadows start to fall
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Leave me out on this lonely road
As the wind begins to howl
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
All alone in this darkest night
Feeling old and cold and grey
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Leave me holding an empty heart
As the curtain starts to fall
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
All alone in this crazy world
When I'm old and cold and grey and time is gone...




It is a good song, and I really like the lyrics. Eisbrecher!
I am in a really good mood today! I have been listening to lots of good music, at the moment I am listening to The Beatles. I just thought I should write something that makes me happy today, I know I have said it before, but I really do love my friends. They are the special kind. They make me laugh, they make me smile, they brighten up my day. Today has truly been a good one. Love you guys!
This is from Berlin. A super trip with two of my best friends, Sara and Vilde. Thank you for being here for me! I truly love you guys :)
I like to call these two the crazy ones. Though I love them anyway. Everyone needs a bit of crazy in their life. It is by being insane, you truly find out what is sane. This is Eva and Vilde!
Another funny picture of Vilde, Sara and me. This is from a school trip to Frognerparken in Oslo. We are supposed to be statues!
Another day is over, and I am ready for the weekend. This week has gone a lot faster than last week. I am glad about that, and hopefully next week will go even faster. Today it is only one week left until Christian comes over. I cannot wait to see his pretty face, and hear his voice and funny laugh again. I have really missed him, even though we have only been a part for about three weeks. I like thinking about how amazing he is. We have known each other for soon three years, I think (jeez, that is embarrassing). We have been a couple for soon a year. Everything feels so right with him. We have many differences, but we also have a lot in common. We both love music. One of our favourite bands are The Beatles. I think our taste was a bit different, but over the last few years, we've started to listen to a lot of the same things. For instance, I would never think that I would ever listen to ZZ Top, and that Christian would listen to Immortal. Cool is it, that we fill each other out in so many ways.

We both love to watch movies. And I got to say, I think we both have been an influence on each other. Christian is now a super fan of One Tree Hill (don't get mad, Christian, I know I am killing parts of your manhood). Christian has shown me stuff like Star Wars and other movies I never thought I would ever watch. I don't have anything negative to say about that. Though this is the stuff none of us ever thought the other one would see. We are both big fans of Lord of the Rings, and we planned early that we had to have a LOTR marathon. And about two years after we planned this, we did actually have a marathon. It was cool.

Another thing I love doing with Christian, is making food. It might sound a bit silly, but I do think it is exciting to try out new things, and eat something you know you have made with your own hands. We make a pretty damn good lasagna, but we are also good at pizza/calzone, carbonara, tacotaco, burrito, chili, BBQ(yes, we did that ONCE last summer), stir fry and so on! So on Saturday next week, we will be doing that. HURRAY! I love you, my dear.
I feel quite lucky. This is Christian and Armada! :))

So I kind of changed the design on my profile. The header is a picture from Sheffield, because I really like that city. And it is Christians city. I need to bring my big camera over there one time!
Wednesday. It's not Monday, but it's not quite weekend either. I like Wednesdays, though. I don't know why. I have been to school as usual. I had history, religion and media. When I got home, I relaxed for a bit, before I made some cookies. I am bringing them to school tomorrow. I am feeding my poor friends, they can't afford cookies...haha. Ehm, no, actually, I am just doing it to be nice. We are going to this convention thing and driving the bus can be a bit boring from time to time. So I thought "cookies will make the day". We will see how much they like them!
It's only like... ten days until Christian comes over! I am really looking forward to that. I have missed him alot!
My friends Vilde and Eva spent the night. We had a lot of fun! We made lasagna, and it was really nice. We melted some chocolate, and dipped fruit in it. Nomnomnom! We played a game called Fantasy, I won! Haha. Then we watched The Butterfly Effect. Eva didn't like that, she was scared. We played another game, where we asked each other random questions. It was fun! Nice to do something with them outside school.
Sometimes I feel really alone... like today. I haven't felt so alone in a long time. I feel like I am living two lives. When I am in school, I have people around me, and it is great. But these last few days I have felt really alone when I got back home. Today I have been sitting around, waiting, but I am not really sure what exactly I am waiting for. I could have done lots of stuff, but I just sat here instead. The day is soon over, and I will have to go to bed sooner or later. I don't want to sleep, because I know I have to get up tomorrow and face another day. I am scared it will be like today.