I have seen many movies, but it is a long time since I have seen one I thought was this good. The combination of a good story and good music makes this movie ace. When you first start watching, it seems like the scene is set to before the technological times we know today, though the further you watch, the more industrial it gets. I think the word "industrial" fits well. The music, made by The Chemical Brothers", makes the movie industrial. And some of the scenes in the movie are very industrial. For example the one where she's escaping (you will know what I mean if you watch the movie). With out the music, it would just be "another movie" with a decent plot. The music turns the movie to a whole new level, and that is what I like about it. The fact that the girl, Hanna, is actually from Germany is no coincident(I should think). Because when I think of industrial, I think of Germany. The Chemical Brothers are not German, though, but the music they have made for this movie just fits the scene. It is worth watching. The actors do a great job, especially the main character Hanna.
