I recently started subscribing to the archive of one of Norway's largest newspapers, Aftenposten (The Evening Post). Looking through some of the documents and items after my grandfather Nils Burdal, I came to realise that the newspaper of his choice was in fact Aftenposten. So I thought if any newspaper would ever write about him, it would have to be that one. Not only because it is the one he used to read, but also because it is based in Oslo, and a lot of the news covered in it is from Oslo (which is where he lived all his adult life).

I searched for his name in the archive, and sadly there's not much written about him. I did however find his obituary. While this is somewhat sad to find, it also helps me understand him and his life better. I for one thought that Else and Nils were divorced. This suggests otherwise as Else is using "Burdal" as her last name. 

The wording of it makes me doubt that they were even separated. It says "My dearest HUSBAND, my dearest father, son, brother and uncle..." Now I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe the breakup wasn't public and she felt like it had to be written that way...or maybe they didn't actually break up.

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