Nils Petter(dad) being baptized. The woman holding the baby is Else (grandma), the man is Nils (grandpa), the rest are unknown. (1947)
As you may have noticed, I have quite a big collection of photographs from my grandfather and my grandmother. However, most of these pictures were never put in any album, and they were never labelled. This has become quite frustrating, because I just don't know who these people were. To be able to put together a history of a person, including certain events and other people, it is kind of crucial to be able to identify what you are seeing in a picture.

Have a look at the picture above. While I have been able to identify my grandma, grandpa and dad, I don't know for sure who the other four women are. All I know is that Else(grandma) had five sisters and two brothers. After doing quite a bit of research I have found that one of her sisters probably died in 1926. One of her brothers died in 1943, and her other brother was working on a ship somewhere (according to one source I have). That leaves four sisters. 

 I found it strange that her mother wasn't in the photo, but non of these women look old enough to be Else's mother. She is 37 herself, and her mother would be 68 in 1947. That is why I believe these four women are her sisters. However, I don't know who is who. I have sent this picture to a relative who might be able to tell me, so all I can do now is wait. 
31/1/2014 02:41:41 am

Så frustrerende å ikke vite hvem de er. Bilder fra slike ting blir jo ofte satt i album og merker med navn, så det var dumt de ikke hadde gjort det her :/
Likevel synes jeg du er god til å resonnere deg frem til hvem de kan være. Får håpe slekningen din kan si hvem av søstrene som er hvem :) Bildet er forresten utrolig fint!


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